Children's Pew Art
While worshiping as a family sounds great, it can be tough to pull off. There are ways to make the task easier. The key is making them feel like an important part of the Mass. Encourage your child to be involved in the service. Let her hold the hymnbook and put the money in the collection plate. During the week, sing the Gloria or Aleluia, to help her learn some of the songs you'll be singing on Sunday so she can sing along. Sit in the front row so your child can see what's going on and you can explain to her what's happening quietly. If she feels welcome and loved in church, she'll have a more positive view of worship, and that can last her whole life.
Remember, though, to have realistic expectations for your young children. No 2-year-old will sit quietly for an hour, so you'll need to find ways to keep him occupied. These Pew Art cards allow children (and adults) to quietly doodle. On the back, you'll find helpful hints to remind Parishioners with and without children that to have a healthy church, children and families must be welcomed.